Jekyll Themes

Carte Noire

Jacob Tomlinson
GNU General Public License Version 3

About Carte Noire

A dark blog theme for Jekyll focusing on a clear reading experience. Large text and a narrow body makes Carte Noire a gorgeous read. With excellent code snippet support and integrated tools such as AddThis and Disqus giving your Jekyll blog all the functionality your users expect.

Setup and usage

Carte Noire may be installed by simply downloading the zip file from the repository on Github.

Extract the zip to your desired location and then open that location in your terminal, you can then type jekyll serve from the terminal and open http://localhost:4000/ in your browser to see Carte Noire.

Additionally it is possible to fork the repository and use Github Pages as hosting. Following this method you only need to change the baseurl value in the _config.yml file.



Carte Noire is released under the GPLv3 License.